Kansolo App Logo Kansolo


This roadmap shows the development history and new features planned for Kansolo.

Version 1.0.4 (Planned)

  • feature: iCloud support for backup and device sync
  • feature: Move boards between folders
  • feature: Move cards between boards
  • feature: add offline help file
  • feature: when starting a card with text prefix, auto assign color label
  • feature: add menu entry help > visit kansolo.app
  • feature: add menu entry help > online documentation
  • bugfix: when all boards is clicked, list all boards and unselect current board
  • bugfix: when all boards is selected, change subheadline
  • bugfix: when a board is deleted, the folder list does not get updated
  • bugfix: inspector does not close on back chevron click
  • bugfix: when adding a new card, the list does not scroll down
  • bugfix: update last modification date on board/column/card change
  • bugfix: when favorite board is selected, inspector does not load next favorite board values
  • bugfix: when favorite board is selected, the board inspector disapears

Version 1.0.3 (Current)

  • feature: Create, rename, delete folders
  • feature: Create, rename, delete boards
  • feature: Create & delete cards
  • feature: Create boards with column presets
  • feature: Move columns by drag and drop
  • feature: Move cards vertically inside a column by drag and drop
  • feature: Move cards horizontally from column to column by drag and drop
  • feature: Filter cards in columns by attachments, checklists and notes
  • feature: Delete all cards in columns when column is deleted
  • feature: Show card counter per column
  • feature: Show inspector with board statistics
  • feature: Add board to favorite sidebar list from inspector
  • feature: Add color labels in inspector
  • feature: Search boards by name in folders
  • feature: Search cards in columns by full text
  • feature: Show indicator icon for notes for each card
  • feature: Show indicator icon for attachments for each card
  • feature: Show indicator icon for checklist for each card
  • feature: Show colored label indicator for each card
  • feature: Show favorite boards in sidebar
  • feature: Show folders in sidebar
  • feature: Show multiple windows for multiple board views
  • feature: Update last modification for each board
  • feature: Store data on hard drive